EXCELLENCE IN DESIGN AND PRODUCTION – BOOKSThe M.I.T. PressThe Boulevard Book: History, Evolution, Design of Multiway Boulevards
BEST NEW PSP JOURNAL – MEDICINEW. B. SaundersJournal of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand
Category Award Winners
ARCHITECTURE & URBAN STUDIESJohns Hopkins University PressGrand Central TerminalHonorable MentionThe M.I.T. PressTimes Square Roulette: Remaking the City Icon
ARTSCambridge University PressThe Parthenon FriezeHonorable MentionHarvard University PressThe Maze and the Warrior: Symbols in Architecture, Theology and MusicHonorable MentionPrinceton University PressThe Anatomy of Nature: Geology and American Landscape Painting: 1825-1875
BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHYCambridge University PressKant: A BiographyHonorable MentionOxford University PressA River Running West: The Life of John Wesley Powell
BIOLOGICAL SCIENCEPrinceton University PressSelf-Organization in Biological Systems
BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT & ACCOUNTINGPrinceton University PressAsset PricingHonorable MentionJohn Wiley & SonsValue Investing: From Graham to Buffet and Beyond
CHEMISTRYAcademic Press (an Elsevier Science Imprint)Interpreting Infrared, Raman, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra
CLINICAL MEDICINEMcGraw-HillCurrent Diagnosis & Treatment in Infectious Diseases
COMPUTER SCIENCEMorgan Kaufmann PublishersComputer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques
Johns Hopkins University PressZeccaHonorable MentionTexereParadoxes of Prosperity: Why the New Capitalism Benefits All
ENGINEERINGMcGraw-HillAPA Engineered Wood HandbookHonorable MentionMcgraw-HillHandbook of Materials for Product Design
GEOGRAPHY & EARTH SCIENCEJohns Hopkins University PressApollo’s EyeHonorable MentionPrinceton University PressHubbert’s Peak: The Impending World Oil Shortage
GOVERNMENT & POLITICAL SCIENCEOxford University PressThe Supreme Court in ConferenceHonorable MentionPrinceton University PressToqueville between Two Worlds: the Making of a Political and Theoretical Life
HISTORYUniversity of Chicago PressVictorian Sensation: The Extraordinary Publication, Reception, and Secret Authorship of Vestiges of the Natural History of CreationHonorable MentionCornell University PressErmengard of Narbonne and the World of the TroubadoursHonorable MentionOxford University PressThe Slaveholding Republic: An Account of the U.S. Government’s Relations to Slavery
LAWOxford University PressOur Secret Constitution: How Lincoln Redefined American DemocracyHonorable MentionHarvard University PressThe Constitution and the New Deal
LITERATURE AND LANGUAGEUniversity Of Chicago PressFools Are Everywhere: The Court Jester Around the WorldHonorable MentionHarvard University PressThe Death of Comedy
MATHEMATICS& STATISTICSJohn Wiley & SonsFibonaaci and Lucas Numbers with ApplicationsHonorable MentionOxford University PressMathematical Mountaintops: The Five Most Famous Problems of All Time
MEDICAL SCIENCEJohn Wiley & SonsMelanocytic ProliferationsHonorable MentionAcademic Press (an Elsevier Science Imprint)Surgical Research
MULTIVOLUME REFERENCE/HUMANITIESOxford University PressThe Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient EgyptHonorable MentionPrinceton University PressThe Collected Works of Samuel Coleridge TaylorHonorable MentionOxford University PressThe Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures
MULTIVOLUME REFERENCE/SCIENCESJohn Wiley & SonsWiley Encyclopedia of Molecular Medicine
NURSING & ALLIED HEALTHOxford University PressThe Textbook of Palliative NursingHonorable MentionJohns Hopkins University PressNo Place Like Home
PHILOSOPHY & RELIGIONOxford University PressSacred Pain: Hurting the Body for the Sake of the SoulHonorable MentionJohns Hopkins University PressAspiring SaintsHonorable MentionCambridge University PressUpheavals of Thought: The Intelligence of Emotions
PHYSICS & ASTRONOMYCambridge University PressExtreme Stars: At the Edge of Creation
PSYCHOLOGYUniversity of Chicago PressEducating IntuitionHonorable MentionOxford University PressBrave New Brain: Conquering Mental Illness in the Era of the Genome
SINGLE VOLUME REFERENCE/HUMANITIESOxford University PressThe New Historical Atlas of Religion in AmericaHonorable MentionYale University PressThe Holocaust Encyclopedia
SINGLE VOLUME REFERENCE/SCIENCESThe M.I.T. PressHandbook of Development Cognitive Neuroscience
SOCIOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGYPrinceton University PressStand and Prosper; Private Black Colleges and Their StudentsHonorable MentionOxford University PressLandscapes of the Soul: The Loss of Moral Meaning in American Life