Architecture and Urban PlanningYale University PressMies van der Rohe: An Architect in His TimeDietrich Neumann
Art ExhibitionsPublished by the National Gallery of Art, Washington and the Brooklyn Museum, New York; Copublished by The University of Chicago PressElizabeth Catlett: A Black Revolutionary Artist and All That It ImpliesDalila Scruggs
Art History and CriticismThe Museum of Modern ArtMomentum: Art and Ecology in Contemporary Latin AmericaInés Katzenstein, María Del Carmen Carríon, and Madeline Murphy Turner
Best New Journal in Humanities and Social SciencesRIT PressRochester HistoryChristine Ridarsky and Rebecca Edwards
Biography and AutobiographyYale University PressSquanto: A Native OdysseyAndrew Lipman
Biological Anthropology, Archeology and Ancient HistoryPrinceton University PressFather Time: A Natural History of Men and BabiesSarah Blaffer Hrdy
Biology (includes Animal Science and Botany)William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollins PublishersWHY WE DIE: The New Science of Aging and the Quest for ImmortalityVenki Ramakrishnan
Biomedicine and Neuroscience (includes biochemistry and biophysics)The MIT PressThe Human Disease: How We Create Pandemics, from Our Bodies to Our BeliefsSabrina Sholts
Business, Finance, and ManagementNew York University PressConscience Incorporated: Pursue Profits While Protecting Human RightsMichael H. Posner
Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, and CosmologyPrinceton University PressThe Restless Cell: Continuum Theories of Living MatterChristina Hueschen and Rob Phillips
ClassicsOxford University PressA Noble Ruin: Mark Antony, Civil War, and the Collapse of the Roman RepublicW. Jeffrey Tatum
Clinical MedicineElsevier Inc.Comprehensive Hematology and Stem Cell ResearchNima Rezaei
Clinical Psychology and PsychiatryCambridge University PressOut of Her Mind: How We Are Failing Women’s Mental Health and What Must ChangeLinda Gask
Computing and Information SciencesPrinceton University PressThe Importance of Being Educable: A New Theory of Human UniquenessLeslie Valiant
Cultural Anthropology and SociologyUniversity of California PressExit Wounds: How America’s Guns Fuel Violence across the BorderIeva Jusionyte
Earth ScienceCambridge University PressData Science for the GeosciencesLijing Wang, David Zhen Yin, and Jef Caers
EconomicsYale University PressAtlas of Finance: Mapping the Global Story of MoneyDariusz Wojcik, Maps and Graphics by James Cheshire and Oliver Uberti
Education Theory and PracticePrinceton University PressClass Dismissed: When Colleges Ignore Inequality and Students Pay the PriceAnthony Abraham Jack
Engineering and TechnologyElsevier Inc.Sustainable Innovations in the Textile IndustryRoshan Paul and Thomas Gries
Environmental ScienceLSU PressThe Presidents and the Planet: Climate Change Science and Politics from Eisenhower to BushJay Hakes
European HistoryBloomsbury PublishingThe Basque Witch-Hunt: A Secret HistoryJan Machielsen
Government and PoliticsAlfred A. Knopf, PRHTakeover: Hitler’s Final Rise to PowerTimothy W. Ryback
History of Science, Medicine, and TechnologyGrand Central PublishingTripping on Utopia: Margaret Mead, the Cold War, and the Troubled Birth of Psychedelic ScienceBenjamin Breen
Language and LinguisticsCambridge University PressA Practical Guide to Second Language Teaching and LearningShawn Loewen and Masatoshi Sato
Legal Studies and CriminologyHarvard University PressAcademic Freedom: From Professional Norm to First Amendment RightDavid M. Rabban
LiteratureOxford University PressHow to Draw the World: Harold and the Purple Crayon and the Making of a Children’s ClassicPhilip Nel
Mathematics and StatisticsCambridge University PressActive Statistics: Stories, Games, Problems, and Hands-on Demonstrations for Applied Regression and Causal InferenceAndrew Gelman and Aki Vehtari
Media and Cultural StudiesVanderbilt University PressThe Flesh of the Matter: A Critical Forum on Hortense SpillersMargo Natalie Crawford and C. Riley Snorton
Multi VolumeCambridge University PressThe Cambridge History of the Vietnam WarLien-Hang T. Nguyen, Edward Miller, Andrew Preston, and Pierre Asselin
Music and the Performing ArtsUniversity of California PressBlacksound: Making Race and Popular Music in the United StatesMatthew D. Morrison
Nonfiction Graphic NovelsUniversity of Toronto PressToxic: A Tour of the Ecuadorian AmazonAmelia Fiske and Jonas Fischer
North American/U.S. HistoryUniversity of Chicago PressFreeman’s Challenge: The Murder That Shook America’s Original Prison for ProfitRobin Bernstein
Nursing & Allied Health ServicesElsevier Inc.The Mindful Health Care Professional: A Path to Provider Wellness and Patient-centered CareDr. Carmelina D’Arro
Outstanding Work by a Trade PublisherAlfred A. Knopf, PRHTakeover: Hitler’s Final Rise to PowerTimothy W. Ryback
PhilosophyBelknap PressCosmic Connections: Poetry in the Age of DisenchantmentCharles Taylor
Popular Science and Popular MathematicsPrinceton University PressDo Plants Know Math?: Unwinding the Story of Plant Spirals, from Leonardo da Vinci to NowStéphane Douady, Jacques Dumais, Christophe Golé, and Nancy Pick
Psychology and Applied Social WorkNew York University PressPrivate Violence: Latin American Women and the Struggle for AsylumCarol Cleaveland and Michele Waslin
Single VolumeYale University PressAtlas of Finance: Mapping the Global Story of MoneyDariusz Wojcik, Maps and Graphics by James Cheshire and Oliver Uberti
TextbooksPrinceton University PressThe Restless Cell: Continuum Theories of Living MatterChristina Hueschen and Rob Phillips
Theology and Religious StudiesYale University PressThe Widening of God’s Mercy: Sexuality Within the Biblical StoryChristopher B. Hays and Richard B. Hays
World HistoryCambridge University PressThe Cambridge History of the Vietnam WarLien-Hang T. Nguyen, Edward Miller, Andrew Preston, and Pierre Asselin