February 9, 2012: Elsevier Honored With Six PROSE Awards
February 8, 2012: The Presidential Recordings of Lyndon B. Johnson Digital Edition wins PROSE Award
February 8, 2012: University of Virginia Press: LBJ Wins PROSE Award
February 8, 2012: MIT: MIT Press book Engineering Systems wins Honorable Mention for 2011 PROSE Award
February 7, 2012: Library Journal: 2011 PROSE Awards Presented
February 6, 2012: Minneapolis Star Tribune (blog): Best book of 2010
February 3, 2012: Really Strategies Posts about the PROSE Awards
February 2, 2012: McGraw-Hill Receives Top Prize at Association of American Publishers’ PROSE Awards
February 2, 2012: Association of American Publishers Announces 2011 PROSE Winners
January 18, 2012: AAP’s PSP Division to Screen New Short Film Mapping the Slave Trade at PROSE Awards Ceremony
December 29, 2011: David Eltis, Co-Author of 2010 PROSE R.R. Hawkins Award Winner Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, Quoted in the AP
April 25, 2011: PROSE Winners Advertisement: As seen in Publisher’s Weekly 4/25/11, the Chronicle of Higher Education 4/1/11, CHOICE 5/1/11 and Library Journal 5/1/11
February 21, 2011: The JHU Gazette: JHU Press wins two prestigious 2010 PROSE Awards
February 8, 2011: Wiley Wins Seventeen Honours at 2010 PROSE Awards
February 8, 2011: FirstScience.com: Cell Press wins prestigious PROSE Award for Article of the Future
February 8, 2011: Cell Press wins PROSE Award for Article of the Future
February 7, 2011: ACS Mobile named best new eProduct in electronic publishing by AAP
February 3, 2011: Association of American Publishers Announces 2010 PROSE Award Winners
January 26, 2011: AP’s PSP Division to Screen New Short Film R.R. Hawkins: Past…Present…Future at Awards Ceremony
December 1, 2010: PSP Winter 2010 Bulletin
March 22, 2010: PROSE Winners Advertisement: As seen in Publisher’s Weekly 3/22/10, The Chronicle for Higher Education 3/26/10, Choice 5/1/10 and Library Journal 4/15/10
February 22, 2010: AIP Matters: Director’s Matters
February 8, 2010: AIP UniPHY Wins 2009 PROSE Award
February 4, 2010: Association of American Publishers Announces 2009 PROSE Award Winners
January 29, 2010: AAP’s PSP Division to Screen New Short Film PROSE 2009: Publishers…On Publishing at Awards Ceremony