George Lobell is presently the Economics/Finance/Public Policy/Quantitative Methods Acquisitions Editor at ME Sharpe. Previously, he was Executive Editor for Economics/Quantitative Methods at Wiley Blackwell’s HSS division, an Advanced Mathematics/Statistics acquisitions editor at Prentice Hall and before that an economics/finance editor at Scott, Foresman and DC Heath for nearly 15 years. A double major in Math and English at Carnegie Mellon, he also audited the Film Studies program at NYU many years ago. Ardent film goer at MOMA and Film Forum, with an outside passion for reading history books, he dabbles in travel, having spent weeks in countries like Iran, Burma, Paraguay, Uruguay, Kyrgyzstan, Syria, Macedonia, Albania, and all the usual countries of Europe and S. America. He does look forward to traveling in sub-Saharan Africa. (Oh lord, so little time, so many books to read and countries to visit!)
George Lobell